Use a towel or muslin square for them to sit on and wrap them up in it
We just don't do bath before bed as mine is the same. Newborns don't need regular baths anyway.
My LO was like that for a while. Just keep up with it your LO will get use to bath time. Mine doesn’t cry when coming out of the bath anymore.
I started using a dummy for bath and it worked great.
Mine was the same and it seemed to help that we had window and door closed in bathroom while bath was running, heating on so nice and warm in there and then we got her dressed and dry in the same room so no temp changes. My bathroom is tiny so not ideal but it save a lot of tears x
We get him dressed in the bathroom where it's nice and warm, he used to cry before but only occasionally now (3 months). He also doesn't like having his hair dried with the towel, so we have the hairdryer ready and he loves it 😂
Play some music in the background, turn the light off and have a sensory light on
Mine is the same. I found a steamy bathroom worked, I'll run the shower hot for a couple mins before getting his bath ready. He hates being in the cold damp towel so once the diaper is on and the water is mostly dried off, I'll switch him to a dry muslin swaddle laid out in the bed. He still isn't super happy but it's an improvement!
My LO hated the bath and getting out of it when she got used to it. Currently trying to but bath time before bed time as a routine now she’s used to baths and showers. Not going well as my LO gets too excited after her bath ;-;
@Denise what’s a dummy?
Warm towel after bath, in the dryer. Warm up her place to be dressed with a heating pad on med/low remove it right before putting her down and a paci while doing it worked for us. Also used the heating pad to warm her bassinet before transferring her over helps her stay asleep in the process
We would warm our towel in the dryer as well. Totally helped
@Britany pacifier
My baby was like this until she was about 12 weeks. We never bathed her at night for this reason. Nothing really worked we just tried to do it as quick as possible. She’s still not a huge fan at 10 months so we do morning baths 😂
My boy used to be like that! Maybe the temperature changes irritates them but it might just a phase as he doesn’t scream now😊 but extra pre warming bathroom used to help but only like sometimes.. Your LO will grow out of it too just keep it up! X