Anxious to leave the house

My baby is 4 weeks old and I’ve all of a sudden in the last week or so, I’ve developed a fear of leaving the house. The thought of leaving the house just gives me severe anxiety and I just make any excuse not to. “Oh it’s too cold…it’s going to rain… there’s no point getting her dressed for a 15 minute walk…” I fear that I won’t be able to calm her if she cries or that people will be looking at me. I just don’t feel confident to go out. Whereas at home, I’m safe, I know exactly what I’m doing and Im getting the hang of soothing her and knowing what she needs. The anxiety in general actually has become a problem. I sit on edge the whole time she’s asleep waiting for her to cry. If she stirs, my heart races with panic. The thing is, I know Im acting strange and I’m aware of what’s going on, but I just don’t know how to stop or what to do to help myself. Anyone else had this? Or experiencing this?
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Absolutely have the same feelings! My little one is 5 weeks today and I’ve never minded going out with him however the last few days it’s filling me with such bad anxiety that I’m trying to not go out the house!!! Went to Aldi today with baby and my partner and it was awful. He cried and I got all stressed, no idea where this has come from though!

Could be postpartum blues. I feel this way as well and was told this is probably what was going on with me. I’m not anxious to go out just because this is my second baby and I’ve learned to just stay calm no matter what happens. I try to remind myself that it’s super normal for baby to be crying or fussing and that everyone goes through it, it’s not just you. Try going out once a week, overtime you’ll see that you can do it and everything is okay!❤️

I’m the same ,it may be due to your hormones. Maybe see how you feel once you’ve had your first period. If not you can always seek help from the GP or health visitor x

my little girl is 8 weeks and you’ve literally described me right now, girl hang in there🙈 i went to Tesco and had a mental breakdown, had to give her to my mum because I was on the verge of TEARS because of her crying, ( i fed her she was fine ) not the point😂 i was anxious to the core but my mum reassured me that literally babies cry? like it’s not something people are shocked about😂 as much as i felt yeah that’s true, my anxiety was still eating me alive which was not fun. At home, i literally am in the swing of things and I feel like I’ve got my routine and i know my little girl well whereas in public, i feel like i don’t know my child but that’s my anxiety taking over. We’ll get there in the end even if it takes a while😂💕

You are so not alone on this. This is so normal. I just said to my partner the other day that home is my safe place. I am also worried about taking my little one out just incase he kicks off and I can’t stop him. We all have the same fears. Also I have noticed that I want more affection and attention from my partner, I’m like hello I’m here, I wasn’t able to enjoy cuddles, sex or any kind of foreplay for months when I was pregnant as I was so not comfortable during pregnancy. Now I want it so badly, this might be my hormones playing apart. It started an argument 😳

Definitly not alone in this! My little one is almost 8 weeks and I’ve only gone out for a food shop here and there. I went to the shop yesterday for my partner and the little one was crying non stop and I felt like everyone was staring and judging but it’s just us imagining it. We’ll get there eventually. You got this 💕

Hello there! I would say it is a common feeling, specially for new mums to have some fear/anxiety about venturing outside the comfort of your home. However, I will recommend contacting your midwife/health visitor/GP if stops you from doing routine things and specially if you are unable to sleep because of it, sometimes anxiety can transform into hyper-vigilance. Sending lots of love xx

I can relate to how you are feeling. I stated to venture out a little at a time. Going somewhere close like 10/20minutes that I knew I could easily run home if it got too much. Allow yourself once or twice a week just a little walk around the area and build up to longer walks from there. As others have said babies will cry and people are used to it. We need to build up our confidence to be out with them xx

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