Is it ok to seek help from your GP if you're struggling as a mum?

I'm a first time mum to a beautiful boy who I Iove more than anything, but I am struggling with anxiety and stress and as a result, I'm finding it difficult to not be angry or resentful of my husband. We've spoken openly about it and I've told my husband I want to see my GP for help. However, he thinks I shouldn't because it'll look bad as a new mum and it'll raise concerns about the baby. I've never done anything to raise concerns about how I cope with the baby, unfortunately I just lash out at my husband a lot and it's causing issues so I'd like to try and fix that. Is it really not a good idea to get help, will I be judged for it?
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I struggled for a full year before I finally seeked helped from the doctor and my health visitor in December. There was no judgement whatsoever from either of them and I’ve been put on meds for anxiety and depression as well as a referral to speak with someone (which I’m yet to fill out as I don’t open up easily) and I’m also due a review within the next week from my doctor to see how I’m getting on x

A lot of first time mums struggle its alot of change going on at once and it's not easy being a parent there is no guide book on how to do it and it is absolutely ok to seek support every mum struggles at some point and needs support. Your doctor and health visitor both want what is best for you and your baby and there will be no judgement.

Please get help. Every single pediatric visit I had for my first and second child, there has also been an assessment of the mother's mental health. Don't listen to your husband. A good healthcare provider does not judge and will offer solutions. In my case, I started therapy. This is a VERY common issue for women post baby. Get help now instead of waiting.

Hi OP, you’ll be absolutely fine! I suffered with terrible postpartum depression after I had my son also. The isolation combined with lack of sleep got the better of me. I went on SSRI’s for a little while (many are safe for use whilst breastfeeding) and it made a world of difference. Incredibly common, they see it every day

It will not look bad at all. Quite the opposite I would say. It is the sensible and responsible thing to do to make sure you can be healthy and well for your little one.

I really do understand why people are afraid to talk to a GP. BUT going to the GP to fix your mental health is literally looking after you and your baby. You will find there is absolutely no judgement from the GP, they really do prioritise postnatal mental health nowadays. You don’t realise how common this is. Chemical imbalance, massive change in hormones, massive lifestyle change, there are just so many reasons for it and I really wish we could get rid of the shame around seeking help. If you had a long term virus that kept making you feel poorly you’d be able to go to the GP without worrying how you look as a mum. Please look after yourself💕

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