Dressing themselves

Can anyone's little ones dress themselves? I've started teaching Oliver how to dress himself with him starting school this year, but wow he just thinks its a game and laughs. He's pretty good at putting his right sock on but not so much his left? Boxers he keeps putting two legs through same hole. Not too bad with jeans or joggers though. Tops he's terrible. Just doesn't know how to pick it up and pull over his head. If I start everything off, for eg pull his top on overhead, he can find the holes to put his arms through. Same as pants he can pull them up in a fashion. Can't put his coat on himself, can put one arm in then will struggle. Great at taking things off though unless zipped up. Can put a hat on. We've cracked potty training, now battling this haha. Although determined to wipe himself clean bless him but not always managing. Honestly didn't think teaching them how to dress would be so hard 🤣
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We've only just started Ruth xx

Yes, Reuben dresses himself independently virtually every morning, and then undress and redress into pjs, he just has help with socks if they’re a tricky pair (usually the smaller/tighter ones) We taught him to use the label to the back, or whatever is on the front of the tshirt/jumper to help check that it’s on the right way round. Used the coat flip trick at first to teach him, now he tends to just put the hood on and then do his arms, but if he can’t then he resorts back to the flipping. BUT you’ve got ages! Don’t worry!

And, when I was a reception teacher, I’d never just leave them to struggle if they couldn’t manage something. My PE lessons were more time spent dressing an undressing than actually teaching anything 😆

@Chloe well done Reuben 👏 🥰

Yes Aimee can fully dress and undress herself, I don’t help her at all anymore unless there’s buttons or something ☺️ She also does the coat flip trick from school as mentioned above, she learnt that when she was 2.5 x

@Becca clever girl xx

I was also going to say definitely look at the coat flick technique - they taught my lo this at nursery and I would just have never thought of it, but I can see how it's much easier than trying to get the two arms in in the normal way! My lo is the same with tops, and can't get these off without help, unless really loose/baggy. She's fine with her bottom half though - dressing and undressing. Although she will still normally ask us to help her even though she can do it, but I think that's mainly to turn it into a game....where she tries to run off during....

@Jess clever girl. They always think it's a funny game don't they haha xx

Yes my little had do some of it just tops he gets a bit stuck on

My little girl (September 2021 baby) can dress and undress herself (can do buttons, if they're bigger, if small, she still needs help), can put on her coat, hat, scarf, gloves all by herself. She's been able to do all this for about 6 months now 😊

@Lilita well done, clever girl xx

@Violet well done forest xx

Can my boy do it? Kind of Will he do it? Nope!!!

@Steph yep, it's always "mammy do it" haha xx

She can but I still like to do it because I can’t let go of it 🤣

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@Vickie, aww, bless you. They are growing up far too quickly. I'm really missing the newborn stage of feeling like I'm in complete control and how much he relied on me, even though I was in excruciating pain before being diagnosed. Honestly, I'm so proud of him , just wish time would slow down APART from January 🤣 xx

Freya can’t, or doesn’t want to lol she will sometimes help undress. I’m not too worried though. Things are slowly clicking into place overall, I’m sure she will be fine by school time and so will Oliver !

@Catherine hopefully xx

We are in the same boat. Can't get dressed by himself. No, mummy do it he will say every time 😆

@Liezl we will get there haha x

No, my daughter can take clothes off but not put them on yet. I’ve not really encouraged her to do it, to be honest. So this is something we’ll work on soon!

@Harri we've only just really started apart from socks ages ago. Just didn't think it would be this hard 🤣

Maxi can if it’s easy to pull up (tracksuit bottoms) and can do tshirts but not long sleeves! We let him do it in the evenings putting pyjamas on to start with as there wasn’t really any time pressure and pyjamas are easy! Maxi still isn’t potty trained so hoping him being a big boy getting dressed will help him with the potty training too!

@Laura aww he will get there xx

@Ruth we’re currently having a stand off about using the big boy toilet… no me a baby I wear nappies!!!!! No you a big boy you go to school in 6 months stop being stubborn! He does it at preschool but not at home!

@Laura typical isn't it haha. Always make us look the fool. Oliver went through a phase of not letting me in downstairs toilet with him and shutting door as think that's what it's like in nursery for privacy xx

@Ruth I think it’s cos I look after lots of little ones and they are obviously all in nappies but at preschool he’s the only one in nappies! At preschool he goes really well and they are so proud of him at home I’m met with NO! And if I try to encourage it he screams like I’m murdering him!

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