Potty training help!

My girl has done so well potty training so far. She will do all her wees on the toilet and even when she has a nappy on if we are out she will ask to go to the toilet instead. However, she gets so upset about doing a poo! She’s done a few on the toilet and we always reward with lots of praise, stickers and treats, but she is almost traumatised and cries all evening as she obviously needs a poo but just won’t go! She’s been holding them in for days (prior to potty training she would poo 3 times a day 😬) so I imagine they are hard and sore but how do we get her to go? We cuddle her on the toilet and talk to her calmly about it but it is relentless and our evenings are spent with her screaming and if we even mention the word poo she has a meltdown 😬😬😬 any advice?
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Has she had a poo which has caused pain due to constipation? They remember that for a long time if it happens. Would she poo in a nappy if offered? Would she use a potty which would allow her a better squat position? Will she listen to a story while sitting so she's not thinking about it so much? I would start with upping her fruit and veg and water intake, especially things like pears, dried fruits, all the classics for helping babies go. If things still aren't moving I'd use an oversized the counter stool softener lactulose from the pharmacy. Happy to help further with more info.

Hi @Cari, thank you for your reply! I’m assuming she has had a sore poo but she hasn’t said, and I’ve not noticed any blood or super hard poos. We offered a nappy to her this evening and put it on her and told her she can go in her nappy if she needs to (as really we just want to get her used to pooing again) but she wouldn’t go. I eventually got her onto the toilet and she did a poo straight away but she was screaming so much when I put her on there it was heartbreaking! Maybe we should try a little potty. We currently have a ladder potty seat thing which she has taken to otherwise but I’m willing to give anything a try so will order a potty! I’ve tried reading stories or singing songs but when she’s on the loo she will just want cuddles if she stays seated. Will definitely take your advice and try and get as much fruit and veg in her! Pears and dried fruit are great, any other recommendations? If we’re still struggling in a few days I’ll try some lactoluse as I have some already.

My girl was like this for about 2 weeks. Wee’ing with ease all day then something switched with the poo and she stopped going and would cry because she obviously had a tummy ache and would hold it in until she would do it in her knickers. I don’t know what happened but over night after the two weeks she just woke up and started poo’ing and would sing and dance about it like it was never an issue!! Deffo the chocolate buttons helped and I still give her one now when she poo’s because she enjoys it now! She is on a potty though not on a toilet. Hang in there! X

Ahhh thanks @Lucy this is very reassuring! Sounds exactly like my girl. Guess we just need to hang in there and keep doing what we’re doing and stocking up on the chocolate buttons 😂 definitely going to order a potty to try though as maybe it’s the angle! Who knows 😅

@Emmi yes deffo give the potty a go! When I put my girl on the toilet she’s defiantly not as relaxed yet as being on the potty! I can imagine for them it must feel so heavy and like all their insides are going to come out when they do a poo! 😂 try a fun pink potty or something to excite her! X

Hi @Charlotte, thanks so much for sharing that book! My girl loves books so I’ll order that and see if it helps her too 🥰

@Emmi I know it seems a bit random but I was going to try anything and this was just a coincidence but worked! 🎉

I have heard people suggest getting them to blow bubbles or through a straw to help them relax enough to let it go

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