Yes you have to spend £10 to get the £5 back in points then the points will stay on your card as normal. The voucher is only valid for 30 mins once you reveal the code not sure how long for if you don’t reveal the code. You can deposit more then 5 items but then you will only get one voucher to best to save them and do it on separate occasions x
Great!! Thanks so much, makes more sense now 😊 xx
What do you recycle here?
I recycle nappy packets, baby wipe packets and baby food pouches mostly. They take lots of male up etc too. There is a massive list. You upload a picture and categorise it then you get a message generally within the day to confirm if it's been accepted or not. Hope that helps!!
Hi everyone, deposited 5 items this morning and tried to buy an Aptamil 1st milk formula tub for £13 in order to claim my £5 voucher. It wouldn’t accept so I asked the assistant and they said baby formula doesn’t count towards the voucher, even though it was over £10! Has anybody else had this? Sorry for all the questions, amateur over here 😂
Yeah unfortunately baby milk doesn't qualify because it isn't allowed to be on sale/ any benefit schemes 🙄 We use it for baby food jars, nappies, wipes etc (or my own makeup when needed lol)
You can deposit as many as you like at a time, but it will only count towards 1 lot of £5 credit, or when you choose to deposit through the app, you can choose which items you're depositing, I've never done it but I'm assuming you could do multiple lots of 5's but then youd have to spend £10 x however many depsoits. When you deposit in store, it'll give you a voucher on the app, once you open it you've got half hour to spend £10, and I think it maybe they last 3 days before you have to spend the £10 to get the credit? Not 100%, I normally just do a deposit when I've got £10 worth of stuff to buy.. I've probably got about £40 in £5 credits at this point 😅 hope that makes sense lol x