I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Unfortunately this occurs more often than it should.. You may need to set boundaries with your mil so that you can focus on who is most important, you and your baby. This may look like not speaking with her for the time being or keeping contact limited to a set time each week. Directly telling her that the conversation of parenting is off limits. Not sharing about your child and not asking for her opinion. You have control over your own life. People can have their opinions but at the end of the day you will be the one that makes the final decision about how you raise your child. If you haven’t already, start getting out more.. go to the park, take mommy and me classes, … so you can connect with other moms who are experiencing what you are experiencing and get the support from them.
Yeah, find that mama bear in there and set your boundaries. Also, talk with your husband. It's always better when you can work as a team. Sorry you are going through all this!
Hi lovely, can I ask the symptoms of ppd you was experiencing. You husband needs to see things from your side and shouldn’t be defending of his mum. I think what’s best is having a family meeting on it to say exactly how you feel I fully get that may be out of the comfort zone but atleast you can read the room, setting boundaries is a tough point, I have experienced setting boundaries as someone whom didn’t really have them before. The comments that have come from that are that I’m too much. But honestly you do what’s right for your child and you. You are there voice. It’s not her business to tell people about you the snide remarks made write everything down and approach your husband on when it was what was said and how that can make a new mum feel, if he does not see your point his ignorant himself and not dealing with the problem x
I haven’t dealt with this exactly and I’m sorry that your MIL is like that, but I have a history of anxiety (and am currently) going through slight ppa/ ppd. I would highly highly recommend seeking a therapist especially if you feel that you don’t have anyone in your life to talk to. Therapy is something that is easily the best thing I ever did for myself and post pregnancy has been a saving grace for me. I very much recommend it to everyone!