If you’re unsure why they are doing this consult with your pediatrician.
It can be a self soothing thing, my little girl (10 weeks old) does it before bed. I would be very careful putting a label on any of your baby’s behaviours at this stage as they still look very young, so I wouldn’t worry!
Looks to me as if he’s just trying to self settle / get comfy! X
Likely just self soothing. I wouldn’t be concerned about signs of autism in a baby so young.
Are his hands covered with his sleepsuit? Maybe he wants to self soothe with his hands/ fingers
Looks like totally normal behaviour to me, just trying to self soothe. Also he’s very cute ☺️
Trying to self soothe. Far too early to judge if its linked with autism, but seems pretty normal behaviour for a baby
Very normal my baby does it too, it’s them learning to self soothe- he also rubs his face on my chest when he’s tired 🥰
Looks like he is struggling to sleep
My son does this and I had the same worries but it’s a totally normal way they try and self soothe
Just a baby being a baby.
It's very normal. Bub will grow out of it. You'll notice that bub will get a bald spot from doing it as well
Normal baby behaviour. They discover their hands around about now. Try uncovering his hands as it may be he’s trying to touch his face or suck his hands to self soothe One of my twins wiggles about like this too when he’s got trapped wind
Not even slightly an autistic trait. This looks like potential self-soothing especially as he's closing his eyes at the same time and sucking on his hand. I wouldn't be concerned. However, if you are concerned then ask your health visitor or GP
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He is just trying to self soothe. My son does this too 👌
Thanks everyone x
I just panic with it being all night and looks like he’s not happy or settled but probably fast asleep 🤣x
@Sara I was just about to say that my daughter gave herself a bald patch doing it 🤣
Thanks a lot everyone- in my height of panic due to breathe holding too- I have seen a private consultant today who has booked him for a sleep study and also said the video is no cause for concern 😀 sleep study due to restlessness and potential apnea
Looks like my son when he wakes up and tries to go back to sleep!