@Fiona is that from dinners you eat ? I haven’t given her meat any sort of salt or anything that’s not fruit or veg . I see online some babies her age having 2 meals a day :/
Honestly I started with the jar spag bowl and couple dinners like that as I was the same but didn’t know what to do, they’re lumpy and had chopped up spaghetti etc, now that’s given me the confidence to start mushing up whatever I’ll be eating !
Also instead of purée I now moved on to mashing the vegetables/potatoes instead to give a different texture!
Yeah it’s from what we eat, I just make it without salt/ stock cubes etc, dish his up then add it to ours after. My baby is having 2 meals per day plus snacks but tbh some days he eats loads others he’s not bothered so you have to be led by your baby and what they want - mine smashes his bottles still and wants more whereas another baby may be perfectly content with milk still :)
Everything you eat you can blend. I did all purées to begin with, after completing fruits and veg I then introduced dairy, meat, pulses/grains/wheat. If you want to stay away from BLW for longer then blend all the dinners you have.. shepherds pie, sausage and mash, spaghetti bolognaise, roast dinner.. literally anything can be blended. I then just started making it lumpier and lumpier until I didn’t blend it anymore. Then introduced BLW.
Hummus, scrambled egg, a banana not mashed but split in 3 down the middle. I give the same as whatever we eat, i season at the table salt and pepper, baby stocks so no salt etc. LO loves spag bol and chilli con carne (no chilli but lots of cumin, coriander and paprika) i whack things in my nutrabullet just to make the chunks a little smaller so its lumpy not pureed. It's trial and error that gains your confidence, my partner was ready to shove his fingers in LO mouth over every gag (he got told off a lot!) I've taught him to keep his face calm and just give LO a chance to push the food forward, they still have quite a good gag reflex. Also I find my LO feeding themselves is a lot less scary, they will gum and spit out what they can deal with I'm always ready mentally just in case though. I've now given my LO squid and steak 😂😂
Spag Bol, chilli and curry are my boys fav :) I just smash it up with my fork before feeding so it’s not smooth but also not as lumpy