Your darkest test was the night of CD 17 so you would have ovulated cd 18 and the egg would have lasted another 12-24 hours. So you got at least one baby dance in. Now you can see how the tests get darker and darker up to peak and then start getting lighter so next cycle once you get a test 0.75 or so start having sex every day or two and be sure to have sex any peak day and the day after any test as dark or darker than the control line is considered‘positive’ and peak will be the test that’s the darkest compared to the control line. You have several tests here where the test line is way darker than control so you just try to pick the darkest one. Just ignore when the app predicts you will ovulate because it will usually be wrong
@Jessica omg I know you’re probably tired of me posting but thank you for being so supportive! I appreciate all of your kind words and advice.
No worries I was there too back when I started trying the first time, you’ll get the hang of it. I’m currently waiting to try again myself so I’m living vicariously through everyone on here who is trying right now while I keep tracking and trying to prepare myself
@Jessica thank you. And I’m wishing you all the best in your journey 🫶🏽
For sure! You all had sex during the peak. Remember sperm can live up to 5 days in a woman's body
@Stephanie thank you! Fingers crossed!!!
Like none of these have ever been high enough to be a super plus positive? I don’t understand where the numbers have to be for me to for sure be ovulating and hit the nail on the head.