Ultrasound and find that my baby had died. So when they found the heart beat right away I started crying of course. I think that’s the point I finally started to relax a bit. But before that, what I did to try to ease my mind was look at the MC statistics. I found that it was FAR more likely that I would have a healthy pregnancy this time than it was that I would have another MC. MCs are rare to begin with and 2 back to back is VERY rare. Just try to focus on that. It’s far more likely that your current pregnancy will result in a healthy baby than it is that you’ll have another MC. I wish you all the best, love ❤️
P.s. I’m 23 weeks now with a VERY healthy boy and no complications in sight 🩵
Those are good numbers! I totally understand your worry love, but try not to focus on that. I had a MC in Feb last year and got pregnant again in August. Of course I was worried about another MC but to make matters worse, I kinda tried to do a line progression thing and the lines were getting LIGHTER not darker…even though this was AFTER my early scan where they detected a healthy heart beat I was CONVINCED I was gonna MC again. I went back into the dr and told them and they were like, “you already know you’re pregnant…why are you still testing?” And I explained I had recently had a MC and she was like, “you just had an ultrasound that looked great. We have no reason to believe anything will go wrong.” And sent me home. Well that wasn’t good enough for me. As hard as I tried not to worry I still did. Then after going a while with NO sign of MC I then convinced myself I had a MISSED MC and that at my 10 week appointment they weren’t gonna be able to find a heartbeat, then they’d do an