Have you tried letting her explore the food (without the intent to eat)? Put the food on her high chair tray and just let her play with it. A lot of early eating is the exploration of textures.
I second the idea of letting her explore. Don't try to control meal time. We started by giving her a spoon and putting the food in front of her and with a secondary spoon I try feeding her but she dives in on her own. At this time they want to explora everything so that's what she does
You can also try eating in front of her and making it seem like it’s the best thing you’ve ever had lmao. When mine sees me eating she’ll come for my food.
I pinch off very tiny bites of my food and give it to her. She is never quite sure for the first bite or two but loves it after that unless she really doesn't like it but that isn't often. She now wines at me when I take too long to give her a second bite.
Thank you all for all the suggestions .