When my daughter was 2, she liked to open all the drawers in our large dresser. It wasn't anchored because it's solid wood and heavy, and honestly we just didn't think about it, well it fell. We were lucky nothing happened because our bed caught it and she was just scared. Still beat myself up for that one. Also my other daughter is a huge klutz, so she's always getting hurt. Just a few weeks ago she tripped running in the house and hit her forehead on the floor, she caught herself just not in time. I had their twin mattress in my room up against the wall. My oldest decided to lean it on my bed to climb. Well my youngest, didn't pay attention to how far she was from my bed and fell. She's learned to pick herself up and keep going. It makes me so nervous
My daughter crawled and launched off my bed head first, I caught her by her ankles as she was mm from the hard wood floor. She cried out of shock but was fine. I felt so guilty cuz I was right there and still she fell.
my daughter at the time was 14 months old and was stood on the second to last step on the stairs and i had to run up stairs to grab something i got half way up and heard a thud she had fallen backwards and hit the back of her head on the laminate flooring i felt terrible she screamed for a bit but calmed down quickly she’s usually really good on the stairs but she had her trainers on so i think that threw her off balance a bit
So just last Friday, my daughter was playing around on the couch. She used to like standing on it and looking at herself in the window, but I'm trying to discourage the standing now that she's taller, and up walking. Anyway, she was throwing herself around, and she lost her balance and fell back straight over the arm of the couch. Head first. She landed on the very top of her head on the plastic heat vent below (broke the heat vent, actually, lol). She cried for about 15 minutes, but on a whole she was just fine, no other symptoms. Needless to say standing on the couch is a hard no now. 😆 When they fall from their own height or less, it's usually ok. Falling off of furniture or high places is more the issue. I have some serious anxiety because of family history around head injuries and young children, but fortunately we were fine. Falls are going to happen. She's also bumped her head multiple times while just walking around and tripping over things.
I'm in the middle of moving house , yesterday , my 11 month old climbed on top of the microwave (on the floor) then fell off backwards. The cry after 😓 Poor baby girl