@Tiffany Thanks so much for your comment me too I really hope it’s just a phase and they grow out of it xx
It's really normal behaviour, they are testing boundaries and working out what happens when they do certain things. They only learn by trying and observing. What some parents do when LO is doing unwanted behaviours is to withdraw them from the activity for a while to calm down (as sometimes they do think it's a game and get a bit giddy/excitable) before letting them join in again, but this is personal preference. I do ask my LG to say sorry if she hurts anyone which she does, and I explain to her why it's not kind, but I also know she doesn't really understand what I mean. The biting is part of this and sadly is a fairly common nursery experience! The important thing is to be consistent in your reaction, and to try to stay calm with them. It's just a phase 😊
Ah we are having something similar but the nursery have said my little girl is copying another little boy who is showing bad behaviour like kicking and shoving. Now they have said this has been happening for the past few weeks so I’m getting a meeting with them next week as I want to know what they are doing to intervene… ie: splitting them up, putting them on different days etc… I understand they are testing boundaries but I would like to avoid that behaviour being around her if I can without pulling her out of nursery as she loves it. I would ask to speak to the nursery and see if they can suggest anything xx
It’s so hard. My little girl who is also extremely active and larger than life in personality has also started to show some concerning behaviours with her friends. I’m sure it’s all normal but it does make me so anxious for her to be around other children. SHe is constantly saying ‘mine’ and just so obsessed with what everyone else is doing. Interfering with their games and taking toys off her friends. I really hope this passes soon 🙏