@Jodie we got signed off because shes my second baby and because all her symptoms were gone on the AA milk 🙄
Is she teething at all? My girl is 14 months on Wednesday and has her bottom molars coming through causing her poos to be different to normal and she keeps getting a nappy rash
@Emma-louise yeah so teething she usually gets a bit of nappy rash so thats why i was unsure. Its been like it for around a week now so im thinking jt might be too long for teething
@Emma we have been waiting for these 2 teeth for over a month now and she gets a nappy rash and bad poos for a few days then normal for a few days and back to bad etc I'd suggest waiting till all symptoms are clear again and not poorly or teething then starting again We have had illnesses back to back so haven't started the ladder yet
@Emma-louise yeah i checked her mouth today and shes cut a molar and theres 2 more that look like they are almost through shes also refused to eat any dinner tonight so i suspect shes teething x
are you still able to contact your little one’s dietician?