I told my manager and 2 seniors at 4 weeks then told hr at about 8 weeks for safety reasons/ if I needed time off work but asked them not to tell anyone unless it was necessary. Once I'd had my 12 week scan, I then messaged on our work WhatsApp chat to tell the team and those who knew pretended it was the first they'd heard (easy to not cause any drama)
Maybe tell your manager first. I guess he/she needs to work through the details of how to help you. And then tell your team once you've had some time to get used to the news yourself - most people tell after the 12 week scan. Also a massive congratulations!
Definitely go through management first, then you can basically steer them to take the lead if that makes you more comfortable!
Thank you so much for the suggestions, it means a lot! My job is highly clinical and I basically will be removed from this type of work and wont be able to carry out any usual clinical duties so it wouldn't be a secret. I managed to have an admin week last week before I tested but I won't get away with this for that long. The manager kind of knows I said I was waiting to test at the weekend and had some early symptoms, and she suggested the admin week, which managed to avoid clinical but they were highly suspicious already, but now I know I would have to say something now it's legit! It's just a tricky field of work which doesn't allow you to keep it to yourself. But I will speak to them tomorrow, and hope they can assist in spitting it out. Good shout with the WhatsApp group message ☺️ x
Management is really all that matters. I’m quiet too and hate attention so I didn’t say a thing to anyone until I was asked as it became more obvious
I wish I could advise but my experience of telling work I was pregnant was awful. We had no manager at the time so I told assistant manager at around 6 weeks for safety reasons as we did a lot of lifting and she spent the next month pressuring me to tell the rest of the team because she felt "uncomfortable" being the only one who knew, until I threatened to take her to HR for breach of confidentiality. When I then told one team member she had told 2 other people within 24 hours. Id tell your director/manager/supervisor for safety reasons but you are not obligated to tell the whole team, only your manager really needs to know at this point
I contacted the hr team to input maternity leave stuff and ask about insurance and bc I just really didn’t know what I was supposed to do lol, and for whatever reason I didn’t think they would say anything to my manager and supervisors yes I actually didn’t plan on telling anybody lol we were working from home still bc of Covid and we’re going to be returning to office within the next couple of months and I would have still been pregnant so I just planned on popping upbut literally I filled out the necessary forms and within like 25-30 minutes all the department managers were messaging me saying congrats and it was super overwhelming lol and I had to come in to pick up some extra needed equipment and everybody was peaking out at me that was in the office 😂 so my business was told lol
Sorry to hear about the bad experiences! I know it isn't necessary in some cases to have to tell the others, just to tell management, but also helps my colleagues know they need to protect me as well. They are a nice bunch, I work bloody hard and for it to go next to nothing it would be obvious! I just hate public speaking and being on the spot! I was in admin for 3 days last week before testing and already had two people ask I said no at that point as didn't know. I'll go to the manager first tomorrow they may have an idea how to go about things. I may tell a couple of individuals first and then there's less pressure and they can speak to the others idk. Over thinking is my downfall 😔
Do you have a works group chat? Like on teams or WhatsApp? I’d tell management then put a message in there if it was me x