Plane food ideas

We’re flying with our 17 month old this weekend and I’m not sure what food would be best to pack for him. Even thought it’s just a 2 hour flight, between airport transfers and having to get to the airport early we’ll be travelling right during dinner time and by the time we land and get to our accommodation it’ll be too late for him to go out for food or make something there. What food would be substantial enough for it to be his dinner that would travel well and that’s not too messy to feed him on a plane? Any ideas would be great!
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My son absolutely loves these banana oat pancakes! I make a batch and then pop them in a tupperware box

Also porridge fingers

I took weetabix in a empty bowl and topped it up with milk from costa, i also got some 12m+ baby meals as a one off in case he didnt eat anything, bedtime pouches were good they were like porridge, then just the usual snacks biscotti etc, and bottles of milk. A sandwich would have been a good one too as a proper lunch

We flew with baby at 14 months, and had berries and watermelon to help with his ears on takeoff and descent. He loved the fruit and ate like an entire watermelon 😂. We also had some baby puffs and healthy cookies/soft baked oat bars. But the fruit was a winner.

I honestly just made my life easier by taking snacks for the plane, it’s one night.

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