I was sure I would do BLW as in big chunks of food, but we started solids at 4.5 months so we gave purees. At 6.5 months we started some BLW and some purées but dad and I are soooo anxious. She never choked, only gagged, we both took a baby first aid course so we know how to react in theory but we are so scared. Today I gave her some orange according to the solid start app and she bit the skin (she has two bottom teeth) and took 5 min to get it out whilst I was staring at her trying not to show how terrified I was. A few days ago she gulped her banana like swallowed what was left and spit it out slowly chunk by chunk. So on her side she knows what she's doing, but I am terrified. Anyone in the same boat or with good advice?
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I’ve had a very similar situation with a handheld chunk of mango. It was finger shaped so enough to hold and gnaw on. She took one huge huge bite then tried to swallow half of it. She gagged and it coughed out. I then broke it up in my fingers piece by piece to give it back to her. I’ve read in the weaning books I have that it’s a really important part of weaning to know how to use the gag reflex but doesn’t make it any easier does it!

We have the same issue, I'm stuck doing mostly purees with some finger foods because when he eats he shoves so much in his mouth it's ridiculous 😫 we're just keeping going and hoping he'll sort it out for himself and learn 🤷‍♀️

I don’t give orange with the skin on, I give satsumas and cut each piece in half. Bananas I chop up and he picks each small piece up x

My baby is 8 months and she gags too sometimes, but as others have said it's a really important part of weaning! But I do understand that it's scary to see!

I know it’s so hard to watch but do try and persevere. This is my second time BLW and I do really see the benefits of it and hopefully by the time your LO is 8 months old, the gag reflex will be gone and there’ll be much less gagging at mealtimes. Good luck!

My little girl has 4 teeth and we've had no luck with baby led weaning. She just bites down and takes large chunks and then ends up choking. I'm not a fan or the solid starts app, everything seems like an unnecessary risk.

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