New baby + potty training

How in the lord does anyone potty train their toddler with a new baby in tow? I’m finding it near impossible !!
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I am too. Im about ready to give up on potty training i havent been able to get anything to work.

I'd probably leave it a bit until baby isn't quite so needy. I potty trained my 3 year old before baby arrived as I thought it'd be a nightmare with a baby. It is hard work so I'd wait a bit if you can, if you have a partner who can take time off work then do it when they can be there too as it's a lot easier with support/ 2 of you on the job! We waited til a long weekend so we could really focus on it for 3 days and see how it was going before she went back to nursery. Or at the least one of you can focus on toddler and one on baby.

I'm taking this on next week but purposely chosen a weekend where my husband is around for 3 days to make the initial part a little easier. We can take team with toddler and baby 🤞🏽🤞🏽 x

I have just potty trained my toddler over the last few weeks. The first two days were hard but we just took it easy, had everything to hand in one room so I could also be there for the baby whilst helping my toddler. But honestly, I left it as long as possible till I knew 100% that he was ready. He’s 2 years 10 months and he cracked it within those 2 days. Had zero issues since. I really suggest a carry potty for when you decide to venture out, it’s been a life saver to take out and about x

My toddler also sees it as game, so determined to get all “pees pees” in the potty and now applauds himself. I did do a good bit of bribing with treats initially too. But we’re just all about the praise and treats (occasionally). Good luck, it’s tough but worth it when you’re out the other side x

We started it over Christmas, made sure my husband was at home to. Don’t do it alone is my advice. When it’s just me and the two boys I keep him naked waist down so he takes himself while i am busy with the baby. It’s the hardest thing, still has accidents but he get it🥺 This is our second time, first time I tried before his brother was born and it brought so much anxiety. So I would definitely say only start if you are ready yourself. Embrace the accidents and enjoy the celebrations when there are successes! X

@Elizabeth did you just put pants on him the first time you went out?

I did. But that was only after a few days indoors when I knew that he was a little more confident about it. And I went to family members houses or friends houses first. I also set timers on my phone for every 20-30 mins and made him sit on the potty when the alarm went off. Now that he’s got the hang of it, he will tell me he needs to go before he’s bursting so there’s always a bit of time to go somewhere with the carry potty. I would put a towel underneath him in his car seat or in his pram too. My husband wanted to put a nappy on him for longer journeys, but I was scared that that would undo any of his hard work so he just gets a nappy for bedtime now x

@Elizabeth how long did it take for him to tell you he needs to go?

It prob took the 2-3 days till he was totally confident in telling me. I just kept asking, I was constant. Poor cub 😂, I’m sure he was sick of me

@Elizabeth sorry joining in here too! Did he start telling you at home or only when you went out? My little boy is so independent with it at home, he just takes himself to the potty and goes but there are 0 signs he needs a wee & doesn’t tell me. So I have no idea how to translate that to going out the house! Probably just need to take the plunge and do it but I’m too scared 🤣

Yes he did start telling me, but I get what you mean- if he didn’t do this…I’m not sure how I would tell. No other clear signs. Maybe it might be worth taking him out, bring the potty and just keep asking him at regular intervals. Hopefully if he is confident enough and doesn’t know where the potty/toilet is, he’ll automatically ask anyway x

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