I’ve had to do this sometimes it’s a safety issue when I’ve had to go strict like darting off into a car park, crashing around some family members house etc
I did this on a daily with my two year old she hates prams trolleys anything with wheels on so I had to get a toddler harness for her in the end works a treat as you can push a pram while holding on to your toddler xx
This was me the other day in a shopping centre it was awful! My little boy is very independent and loves to be free but he wouldn’t hold my hand or stay close to the pushchair (he wouldn’t even walk in the right direction) so I had to put him in his buggy even though he was screaming😭 felt like the worst mum but I couldn’t carry everything and safely get him back to the car without. So no advice but solidarity!! I’ve just started reading how to talk so little kids will listen and it’s been really helpful so far x