@Baled Potato he’s starting therapy in March
Oh wow, I’m so sorry, I’d see an Occupational Therapist and have an evaluation done.
May not be what you want to hear, but.. kids aren’t born with the ability to regulate emotions. The parent need to teach them how to. Behaviour is taught not instinctive Behavioural intervention may be needed
@Manda Rose He’s starting behavioral therapy in March.
I'm not a therapist or expert but it's good you are taking him to therapy mama! Give it time and stick with whatever they teach you and him, as someone else stated on here behaviors are learned so just be patient as you can and show him it's possible to stay calm even when feeling frustrated. Maybe get an emotion chart or cards for him and you can explore emotions together and start helping him not only identify what he is feeling but healthy ways to deal with those emotions. Wishing you all the best 👍
I have a 5 year old . No, he doesn’t act like this. I agree with other with a behavioral intervention and I see that he will be starting in March. That’s good! Sending you loves 🤍
Have you talked to his Dr? Sounds like he might need behavioral intervention.