Lost with toilet training

Only time he asks to go to the toilet is when he is trying to delay bed time. He’s more than happy with his nappy, we tried pants today and he has been fine all day apart from now he’s had an accident every 15 mins after drinking lots of water 😫 I still don’t think he’s ready it’s making me so nervous for when he’s at nursery
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Hi there, potty training can be a bit of a messy time 😅 it might give you some peace of mind letting the nursery know you’re potty training now. First, they can tell you if they think he is ready and also most nurseries actively support your potty training. Accidents are a part of the process. If you feel though like he isn’t ready yet, might be better to pause for a couple of weeks instead of creating a stressful/ negative association for your boy as this seems to often backfire (at least what the books say). And BTW these „potty training in 3 days“ aren’t the norm. Our boy has been without nappies since summer and he still has an accident here and there when too excited / very tired. 😅

Nursery will fully support with your potty training journey. Try again in a couple of weeks, keep a potty out and see if he shows any interest. Potty training is a marathon, not a sprint!

@Lina my health visitor recommended I start toilet training when he asks to go. But unfortunately I don’t think he’s going to ask at all😂 he has 0 interest. I will leave it a few weeks and try encourage to start again. I’m glad the 3 days training isn’t normal as there’s no way we’re achieving that haha

Mine had zero interest then asked for potty as a bath delaying tactic that was 2 weeks ago, (a Friday night) so that weekend we did no nappy/trousers (had puppy pads) and I just kept putting her on the potty 20 mins after she drank, we also had a sticker chart which she loved the following week at nursery we left nappies on but they also got her to use the potty then the following weekend we did knickers we had a few accidents but she has been at nursery all week last week with no nappies (again a few accidents) but before that mine had 0 interest so don’t stress it will happen ❤️

Have you asked him to go? Have you put him on the toilet and said let’s go potty.

@Gabrielle every time I ask he says no, but if I were to put him on he would do it. He knows what the toilet is for it’s just he doesn’t want to go or maybe isn’t ready

@Emma sticker chart that’s a good idea! I will try that to encourage him

If he goes when you bring him then that’s great. I wouldn’t just leave it up to him. I’d bring him every hour or something like that. Say okay it’s time to go potty and let him pee. After a while he’ll learn that he needs to do that. Have him just wear undies and a shirt no pants. If you know he pees right after drinking water then bring him right to the toilet. We had a little toilet that was in the living room that he could use at any point

@Gabrielle thanks I will try this!

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