I’ve given up caring about milestones because it was driving me crazy seeing it on social media and then also having my family asking “is she doing x y z yet?” And if I said no they would question me on why not and ask if I was doing stuff in encourage it. Now I celebrate anything new she learn and don’t tell people u too they see it and say oh yeah she started that last week. She may not roll around all the time but she will sit for ages
If you have a good HV, they will tell you rolling should be by 7 months (but some babies skip this altogether), sitting with help around 6 months, unnaided when they are ready, crawling normally 8-9 months some even later. All milestones are only rough. Some reach some milestones early, some later. Some babies skip them completely. They're all so different just like us adults. By the time they start school they'll all be about the same.
Yes, social media is ridiculous with expectations and I think stops people enjoying their babies! There are so many other developments they achieve but everyone focuses on the rolling and sitting. Motor skills, babbling, face recognition, laughter are all soooo important. Understand guidelines for milestones to be aware but don't make it the be all, enjoy what they give you each day!!
I don’t think you should let it bother you, your baby will reach those milestones when she’s ready. Ignore social media’s expectations and stop putting yourself under unnecessary pressure because you’ll only feel worse comparing her to another child that’s reached them faster. No child is the same they will do things in their own pace xx
Honestly just relax, every baby is different and does things at different stages - aslong as you feel they’re developing and learning new things then don’t panic! My boy can only roll from front to back and not the other way (he hates being on his front so I’m guessing he has no motivation to do it) but he can sit alone I do understand you start questioning everything and what they should be doing, unless you’re worried just ignore it and know they’ll get there! My baby is nowhere near crawling because he hates being on his front I don’t reckon he will🤣
Hi yes I'm very much in the same boat and feeling under loads of pressure Mines 6 months and a couple weeks, she can sit unaided and roll from front to back, but not back to front yet without help and also nowhere near the crawling stage either. Every child will get there in their own time. Every kid is so different and I think all these milestones just instill so much anxiety and fear into parents. Like fair enough if your kids well old and still not learned to roll over, crawl or walk I'd be worried but, theyre still so little qnd all babies get there in their own time and I'm sure yours will too ❤️