HELP is my baby getting enough milk?

Since 3:30 this morning I have added up he’s had 18.5 ounces so far (it is currently 6:30 in the evening) He is 12 weeks old His feeding has been like the below throughout the day - he’s such a little and often but it’s a worry! 4.5 ounces at 3:30am Then 2 ounces 2 ounces 3 ounces 2 ounces 1 ounce 4 ounces
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It sounds like he is having milk when his tummy is still a bit full so he can’t have the full amount. Have you tried leaving it longer between feedings? Sometimes they can become fussy for other reasons not for food, and we give them milk thinking it’s that but it isn’t. If he’s having milk throughout the night as well then it’s not a worry to not have loads and loads in the day, he’s probably getting enough over the entire 24 hour period. My son used to not drink as much in the morning feeds because of night feeds but since cutting those out he drinks all he needs in the day now x

@Hannah thankyou! That makes so much sense! I might try and push the feedings further apart he did 4.5 ounces at around 2:30pm and he woke up from a nap played a bit and started getting fussy so thrn 6:00 he had his next feed but he only did 3 ounce and went to sleep again I’m thinking possibly a growth spurt? He has fallen off the growth chart and we have an appointment with the dietitian in 3 weeks but it just seems so far away and I worry about him getting dehydrated xx

Ahh okay so he had 4.5 at 2.30 and then 3.5 hours later he only had 3. Im not sure what my son went between feeds as I breastfed up to 4m old, he was on me every hour during a growth spurt so it most definitely could be that but, if you are worried about leaving it too long just go with their cues and when he’s chewing his hands/searching for milk etc! I wouldn’t worry as long as he’s having lots of wet and dirty nappies, he would cry if he was hungry and not being satisfied x

Oh bless, try not to worry about the growth charts too much as sometimes babies can dip in them, or go above what they “should be” at and realistically the charts aren’t perfect, all babies are different regardless of their percentiles my son didn’t follow his chart at all after about 3-4 months, tbh I don’t even know what he weighs now 😂 You know him best so if you feel something is wrong you go with it and get seen by someone! But of course, he definitely won’t be dehydrated if he’s having plenty of wet nappies, it’s an average but 5-6 quite heavy wet ones means he is having enough. And if his soft spot on his head isn’t sunken he should be fine. (it’s normal for it to go down and up throughout the day) I mean if it’s sunken really badly to the point you can see it, that can show dehydration x

If you are really worried book in with the GP for them to have a look at him if you want, to check for signs of dehydration etc, you should get in quickly with him being so young x

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