
We're looking at potty training in the next couple of months and I trying to find pants for my son. The problem is that he is small and just gone into 9-12 months sized clothes, yet the smallest pants I can find anywhere start at 1.5 - 2 years! He won't fit in those until he is 3 at his current rate. Has anyone got any ideas/recommendations?
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I’ve used a brand called bright bots and they were fab. Also have a little look at The nappy lady online. There’s some really good info on there. I’m not on social media but I think there are some local pages for nappy/pants banks too so you can try out various brands

@Sophie These look great! Thank you :)

They ship from US but "tiny undies" and tiny ups. Also if you want training pants we use them and the bambino mio ones come up tiny. My boy wears 18-24 mo or 2/3y and he has to wear the 3-4 training pants by bambino mio so I bet the 18-24mo would fit yours. Plus its better for pants to be a bit big so a) feels different to a nappy and b) easier for them to learn to pull up and down their legs 👌

Would love to hear more about how you’re getting on @Alex

@Sophie currently catching most wee and half poop. Trying to teach how to pull trousers or pants up and down by having him sit on the step stool which is perfect height for him to sit then I pull it up/down to his knees and get his thumbs round it and ask him to push/pull up or down. He really enjoys it ofc he's getting it halfway up his bum and thinks he's wearing it fine haha. I've heard mirrors help them learn clothing manipulation so ordered some stick on mirror tiles to put on the inside of the bathroom door as we don't have a floor length mirror.

He already knows how to sit and get up from potty, how to dump his business into the toilet and flush, not to touch the wee or poop. So just need to get clothing done and for him to indicate to me earlier when he needs to go! He is slowly getting more awareness of the urge. Wiping I think is more for 3 year olds + so I'm not trying to teach that. He sometimes shows understanding that he needs to be wiped though 😅🙏. Unfortunately he won't sit for my partner or rathrt partmrr hasn't figured it out with him so he's in pullups 2 days per week and also when we are out and about as I can't calm him to release outside of home (I can get him to sit though).

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