Don’t let people tell you that you need to formula feed your baby!!! If you are feeding on demand and baby is happy afterwards than everything is all right. Some babies are just skinny babies. The fact that he’s still skinny shows that it’s not a breast milk issue but just a baby with a high metabolism.
@Lenae my daughter is the exact same! 15months and 18lbs. I always get worried the doctor is going to say she hasn’t gained enough weight at every appt but she is so active! Constantly running around. I try to give her high fat foods but there is only so much you can do! Can’t force them to eat. We still breastfeed as well.
My daughter has been in the 2-6% since 3 months. She is now 18 lbs at 15 months and healthy, hitting her milestones, etc. At this age, toddlers will also take longer to grow. As long as you’re feeding him when he is hungry, it sounds like you are doing a great job! Just a petite boy 🙂. You’re doing great, mama!