I don’t have a solution but I absolutely know what you mean! All I’ve found is to put him down for a bit then offer again and it kinda goes like that until he either latches/feeds/sleeps. It’s nuts though, nothing like your boob being demanded then shouted at for a relaxing evening
Same here! I use a dummy so have the help of that but during witching hours it’s just fight for survival 😂 I gave him formula last night while he was fighting me and that seemed to help but could have been a one off!
Mine does the same, I find it so funny, cute and frustrating at the same time! What works for me is patience, easier said than done, especially when you’re tired yourself and just want some peace after a long day..it’s a phase ! That’s the thought that keeps me going ! And want to enjoy every bit with her, even when uncomfortable !
@Laura oh that’s good tip. I’ve got a wrap sling but need to try it. I’ve just given him a dummy and passed him to my partner so I can have a hot shower and decompress haha
@Ellen hahaha we do this game too.
@Rhiannon I’ve also just resorted to a dummy. Haha he’s 3weeks old but it helps settle him without my nipples being destroyed. Taken myself off for a hot shower while my partner has him so I can chill for a bit haha
@Agata thank you ! He’s only 3weeks so we’re still learning each other. Just taken myself off for a shower while my partner has him so I can relax as it definitely doesn’t help if I am then stressed
Haha I don’t blame you, that’s usually my go to but my husband is at work tonight (first evening on my own)! Hope the shower gives you a bit of a refresh to get through the night x
@Kate 🤞🏼🌈 mine is also 3 weeks ! I also found out that apparently around week 3 they go through a crazy growth spurt. yesterday my little one was inconsolable.. only the boob could calm her down , so she stayed latched for hours, and half of the time she was angry latching 🤣 Also, well done to you for managing to carve out some precious me-time, that’s essential for your mental health. I am doing the same and if feels liberating. Taking care of yourself = being able to take care of your baby. You’ve got this mama !!
Going through the same here second night in a row. Also have a 3 week old. She’s such a calm baby during the day then come night time she’s angry feeding and inconsolable. Anyone know how long this stage lasts?
My 6w old still does the same. When he does that most of the times it’s because he I’d uncomfortable like he needs to burp or poop… or both 🙄
I have been having the same problem! Hope people have some suggestions. I have just put my baby is a sling on me and that has settled him though 🤞🏼