
Where is your 20/21 month old with speech?
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Plenty of words but only one syllable. Not full words. But consistent. Few examples - gee for green Bhu for blue Ooo for orange Go for go (cos it's one syllable!) Gggg for grapes Ma for mama Da for dada Na for nana Mo for more Ca for car / cat Hoping over the next few months he'll expand his words or put them together

I would say mainly single words and then the odd song when she puts them together 🤣 or she will say mammy then another word like chop meaning chop my fruit lol

None :( he’s delayed unfortunately

Mine says around 20 words but some aren’t that clear

she says quite a lot of words but can’t put more than 3 together at a time and has started to sing along to songs (old mcdonald, row your boat, twinkle twinkle)

Can sing all words to some songs, like the whole of twinkle twinkle, wind the bobbin up etc 😂 it is so cute!! He says short sentences like "mamma get the milk" or "shut the door", "mamma back in a minute" etc. Can count to 10. He is bilingual, with me being Swedish and dad English, and swaps between them depending on who he is talking to

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