Have they got in house chefs etc? My daughter may eat things that sound ultra processed but it’s made from scratch and is a homemade healthier version, fruit/veg always offered at meals. I think there are nutritional guidelines they have to abide to so might be worth looking at that first and asking for sample menus from nursery to compare
My daughters nursery usually gives cereal for breakfast (my daughter mainly goes for Cheerios), random fruit for snacks & lunches can range from anything really. Sometimes she has fishfingers and beans and some times she has a full on roast. It just depends on what they have in. Is the processed stuff a one off from today or has it been going from the beginning? As for them reporting you to social services for your pets, that seems completely off personally.
My daughters nursery offered cereal or toast for breakfast. Morning snack is usually fruit. Lunch always has veg in it - fish fingers, wedges and veg. Chickpea pilau rice, egg fried rice with veg, spag bol, fishcakes. Afternoon snack - fruit or crackers Tea is usually- sandwiches, tuna pasta, potato pops and spaghetti hoops, beans on toast, scrambled egg on toast. Puddings are - fruity yoghurt, cake, fruit, flapjack, fruit and custard. It's all home made too. I'm sure they'll have to follow some sort of guidelines with fruit and veg options x
That’s an especially bad day but they give what sounds like highly processed potato and meat stuff most days, there was vegetables offered on 3 occasions over 8 days and also biscuits (not even on the app but he is eating them when I pick him up).
The chef is the managers daughter…
I prefer my son to not have any puddings but don’t want him to be left out either
I think dinosaur cereal is 14% sugar
The government should really regulate this stuff more, no wonder childhood obesity is so high. I feel like I’m letting him down letting him eat this stuff but it’s impossible to find a full time nursery place nowadays
I wouldn't be happy with that, I wouldn't be too concerned if it was one day. Our nursery have there own cook, but even before that when a members of staff would cook it was all homemade. For breakfast they have cereal but it's Weetabix or cornflakes or toast Dinner, Bolognese, tuna pasta, fish pie, stews, cottage pies Tea crumpets, cracks and veg sticks, casserole,sandwiches Snacks are always fruit and fruit is available throughout the day. All meals are served with veg.
@Lorna-Jean I completely agree! The thing is, they could be cutting up potatoes and cooking chips themselves in the oven and the pizza could be made by them but I doubt it. But if they were doing these things, there are other simple things they could be doing throughout the day to reduce the refined sugar intake like offering plain breakfast cereals, cutting out puddings and offering yoghurts or something similar instead. Tooth decay is so bad in the UK for under 8s and apparently these sugary cereals are a huge contributing factor as it’s basically sitting in their teeth all day. Do you speak to any of the other parents or is there a parents forum? That might be a good way to give feedback about the food that is served x
How can they report you to social services for rabbits? That sounds wild. What do they eat other days is this a one off? My son’s nursery didn’t serve vegetable with every single meal but they definitely didn’t have high fat foods like instead of chips they would have mash or potato. Breakfast they didn’t do as dropped off later but they done toast and fruit late morning snack. And definitely no cakes or sugary treats after lunch it was a yoghurt xx
I'd be tempted to start looking for another nursery
I’m more annoyed about the reporting to social services about rabbits 😱 used to be a bunny mum. But yes I wouldn’t be happy. Dinosaur cereal, the one from Aldi? We use once a week if that.
They seemed to believe that the smell of the rabbits was harmful and that the rabbits might hurt babies
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Dinosaur cereal is every day. About once a week they get a curry or roast chicken. The other days it is more like this.
At xx, all meals provided within the nursery are carefully catered to meet the needs of all our children, taking into account preferences, allergies, likes and dislikes. We appreciate the steps you’re taking to support H’s behaviour and the emphasis you’ve placed on his diet at home. We completely understand the impact diet can have on young children’s behaviour, and we will continue to look at all factors that may help H. You also have the option to provide H with a packed lunch if you feel that would be more suitable for him.
The nursery my daughter goes to, they have all parents make their kids a packed lunch and make sure it doesn’t include anything with nuts in. Every nursery and school are all about healthy eating (apparently), the way you’ve expressed you’re wanting to express your concern is right, they’re a joke if they report you to social services. If anything happens or it carries on then then it may be best to look for another nursery x