This was exactly my son when he was like around 1 year.. we then used to give him some toys in his hands so that he gets engaged with them and we can go were ever we want peacefully or play some cocomelon rhymes and make his ride interesting so he will be happy sitting there.
My youngest child screamed in the car until he was almost 2. We did not pull over when he cried. I would have never gone anywhere if we did that.
@SquishyMommy1 ohhhh wow ok thanks for this info. I have heard to let them cry
I feed my baby and burp him but he throws it up in the car 😢 also here for advice 😬
I often have nursery rhymes on in the car for my 13 month old which helps to calm her down quickly. It could be that she’s hungry so try giving a bottle 30 minutes before leaving the house and making sure nappy is dry as well x