My little one is being a monster at the moment too, it seems so many other mums are going through the same too! Praying for you xx
Omg same! My 14 month old little girl just whinges all the time and has an absolute meltdown when she doesn’t get her way. I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant and exhausted, I’m really going through hell🥲
I went through the same with my 14 month old. But then I realised it was my behaviour that reflected on hers. I wasnt giving her enough undivided attention and didnt realised that she had grown up from being a clueless baby to suddenly an intelligent yet demanding toddler. And now even a few minutes of holding her or calming her gets through it. Theyre going through a lot of changes and need our help navigate through them. I am just saying what I went through. Everyone has different experiences. x
I could've wrote this status myself, honestly my little boy was such a content baby, he was always happy, would happily sit and play on his own as well as with me. Now I feel awful, I feel like he does nothing but moan but yet at nursery and my mums hes absolutely fine. I can't leave the room without him having a meltdown, I know he's getting used to our routine now so he's started getting upset again when I've been dropping him off at nursery, theres also lots of new babies in his room at nursery so this has really unsettled him and he's cutting new teeth too 🫣 so really got it all going on, but I'm sure it's just a phase and the happy little ones will return soon, keep hanging on, your not alone 🫶
@Georgia my son is the same when I leave the room! He’s become super clingy and wants me with him all the time otherwise all hell breaks lose 🙈
@Cassie I totally feel ya, my son is bang same, honestly, i try to just embrace the cuddles and bonding time, also he really enjoys me sitting on the floor and giving him my full attention and playing! I know its super hard and stressful, but just try enjoy every minute and just remember you are not on your own feeling like this! I take my hat off too you doing it pregnant too! Women are amazing!! Xx
Don’t beat yourself up, they all go through phases! My little man is the same age and whilst super scrummy, he also has his devil moments! It’s all about cause effect, seeing how the world works and how far they can push things!