Hey, with digital marketing all you are essentially doing is buying a ‘course’ for around £390 then re selling it to whoever will buy it. I think it’s a very high initial cost with the risk of no one buying it. If you have loads of followers etc you may have a better chance of selling but it’s a risk. I would say there are a lot of better ways for mums to earn some extra money without the initial cost xx
You're seeing loads of that content because you've watched it and clicked through. The algorithm is doing its thing! Doesn't mean it's legit! These things are usually pyramid schemes.
hello i work for farmasi, and its actually not a pyramid scheme at all unlike similar companies you can overtake your sponsor! and they have to work to earn from you still! i joined the company for discount of products i was already buying but i love the community in team and we now #17 in the uk!