Banana chips
Dried fruits (mango), sweet potato also dried i got it from costco, egg roll cookies, and i make lengua de gato sometimes i just put enough sugar but it's up to you what you think is best for your baby for snack.
1. Babybel cheese, cheese sticks, etc. (broken up) 2. Frozen mixed veggies (heated) 3. Cheez-Its (broken up) 4. Blueberries, raspberries, quartered grapes 5. Thinly sliced harder fruit that might not be fully ripe or still require chewing (strawberries, melon, cantaloupe, pineapple) 6. Toast - thought I had to break this up but my little guy has proven that chewing on it long enough will make the whole thing chewable, crust included 7. Pouches - I target 3g or more of fiber and/or 5g or more of protein, otherwise it's just for funzies. Despite this generous list, my little guy will eat a grand total of 5% of this. The picky stage is starting...
Fruits. Breads. Pancakes. I make my son's pancakes with his formula and I add some super tiny chopped up fruit and he absolutely loves it. My husband's hates that theres crumbs on the floor. But we have wood floors. So I don't really care. Its easy clean up.
My daughter while I was cutting the leaves off the tops of strawberries for her at 2 years old she grabbed a strawberry and it disappeared. The leaves and all. She just ate it and swallowed it. I was like no way. You didn't just do that... 🤯🤯🤯😳😳😳🫨🫨🫨 Lol I literally looked everywhere for it to make sure she didn't just toss it and I didn't notice cuz it was all so fast. It happened in a blink of an eye. I even moved the fridge out to look to see if it rolled. Lol. She ate the entire thing. Lol. So be careful. And never blink. Lol. My kids are wild when it comes to food though. They're eaters. My 9 year old is like me and doesn't gain any weight and my son is like his dad and can put away so much food and he's just getting bigger. Like not fatter. But I call him my little Buddy, referencing from the movie Elf, how he's so much bigger than the elves cuz he's human. Lol. His pediatrician is even amazed at how big he's gotten but isn't overweight for his size. He's just big for his age. 😂
Cheese & Fruit Smoothie Crackers & Cheese Pouch Yogurt