My baby boy can roll belly to back . Almost has back to belly. He sits up pretty good. Almost unassisted. If he’s laying back he uses his elbows to push himself up. We watch him very closely now because he doesn’t want to sit still. I’ve been practicing using his knees to promote crawling
My girl rolls side to side and somehow turns around in her crib without turning on her stomach. When she does tummy time, she pushes her legs like she’s trying to scoot.
My daughter rolls both ways. She is able to sit up unassisted for short periods, and she is trying to crawl but mostly just gets frustrated she can't and start screaming
Nope, I have hardly given him tummy time because he loves being held 🥲 I should start, though. In the past couple months, he has attempted to roll over and has done it twice, maybe on his own? I suppose when he is on his tummy, he kicks his legs like he's trying to go somewhere. (Probably the frustrated swimmer thing? I've never heard of that term before) My son does push off with his feet from a squatted position though, when I am holding him on my lap. I feel like he's enjoyed standing supported like that since he was about a month old.
My baby rolls from back to belly every single chance she gets. During diaper change, play time, nap time. I guess she just hates being on her back which is weird cause she hated tummy time. She stopped rolling from belly to back tho. She has tried to crawl at 3 months , still does, I put her one way and she does a complete 180. I can’t leave her by herself anymore to go the kitchen to grab sumn or nth cause she’s so mobile. Even at daycare they told me she never stays on her back anymore, everytime I go pick her up she’s doing tummy time 😂
My baby holds head pretty good, he rolled belly to back pretty early on but now he seemed to have forgotten because he just doesn’t do it anymore lol. From back to belly he only goes half way. I think he found out about his feet, he’s not grabbing them yet, but he stars at them and he figured out he can use them to play with things. He can’t sit up, but he can pull himself up, I try avoid let him sit down too much because I heard it can delay crawling, not sure if that’s true or not. He babbles a LOT! Like a podcast! He does the swimmer thing and I think that’s why he can’t roll, so I tuck his elbows under so he can be more supported.
Mine rolled back to belly and belly to back for 5 or 6 days straight a few weeks ago and for some reason won’t do it anymore 🤷🏼♀️
@Isa exactly where my baby is at!! Was rolling at 3.5 months for like a week and then just stopped 😭 he does roll side to side though!!
My daughter WILL NOT roll over unless she absolutely has to. She knows how she does it in bed when she’s sleeping but if we set her down for tummy time she might roll over if she has to but otherwise she just looks at us like we’re crazy😂she’s not crawling or anything she’s really really close to sitting alone she does for a bit and then she gets to excited lol but for the most part she stays where she’s at