@Amanda I've asked them to switch it back to 360 and they said they won't cover it
Aw no!! I see your location. I’m so sorry they’re not willing to cover! I’m in CT and my wic office is super accommodating about changes.
@Amanda I mean I can probably try another wic office.
Yes! Try that and see how it goes. I hope it works in your favor!
Just make sure to tell them you have a existing wic account or you can get in big trouble
@Nala I will ty for telling me ❤️
@Ashley hopefully it all works out I have my first wic appointment later today so I’m hoping I get approved 🤞🏽🤞🏽
Hi! I actually work for WIC in Connecticut. If your doctor fills out the special formula form for WIC, stating why it’s medically necessary to have 360 versus the advance, they have to cover it. If the advance causes tummy issues you should have no problem. Do you have husky? husky will also cover the 360 if needed. Let me know if you need more help!
Try the sensitive, if they have it
Hi interms of child care look into care for kids the help to pay for child care in CT
Hi! This happened to me. My son was on 360 and it messed up his stomach. It’s an easy fix. Call them in the morning, tell them you switched and they’ll do it the same day!