Love this age 🥰

They say each age you love but I just love this age at the moment!! She’s starting to speak more and it’s just the little things. I ask her something and she’ll say ‘yeah’ then she does it. It’s not massive conversations at the moment but I feel like she actually understands what I’m saying 🥰🥰🥰
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Im so in love with this time. I mean ive loved it all but this stage is my favourite so far ❤️

The little “yeahs” are the best 🥹

Yeah same! I also feel like she understands me when I ask her to do something, go somewhere or if she wants something. Amazing! All my last year talking is paying off plus she understands it in two languages 🤯 ❤️

I completely agree! He’s become so cheeky and I know he’s deliberately causing mischief. It’s rather annoying and we’ve definitely created an accidental game but he toddles to the kitchen bin (which he’s worked out how to open) and looks at us, knowing we’re going to take him away from it and he giggles hysterically and tries to run away. I love it

Definitely my favourite age too!! He’s so cheeky and funny

@Emily haha we've created an accidentally game of taking everything off the coffee table. He gives a proper belly giggle putting coasters on the floor when we tell him no now. Whoops! 😅

@Josie it’s obviously so cute but I do worry he has us wrapped round his finger with a little giggle 😂

My little boys fave is to throw a ball in the air and shout goaal with his hands up (taught by his daddy) - I loveeee this age! 💕

@Rosie can't relate, all I get is No's 😭😭😂😂

@Lauren oh no!!!🙈😣😂 we’ve not learnt that word yet but dreading it when we do!!!

Oh I do agree ❤️ my girl is just starting words but all the high pitch noises are so adorable and make my heart just melt into happiness ❤️

@Rosie I think I must say it way too much haha

Who says each age you love? My eldest is 3 and I don’t love that age at all 😆

I agree! I ask for a kiss and she gives me her forehead…or she will give me her forehead when she wants a kiss! Too cuuuttttte! She also blows kisses and says, “mmmmmmmuah!” So cute So sweet So silly

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