We started with sweet potato mash made with breast milk, steak, and broccoli. She has since had omelette, greek yoghurt, strawberries, melon, pork chops, pasta, cheese, and carrots
Broccoli and spinach. She’s gobbled both up. Next will be avocado and potatoes. We were told to start with green vegetables first because they’re bitter and then later the sweeter veggies and fruits.
I've skipped purees and gone straight to lumpy textures and finger foods. My baby was 6 months 2 days ago we started a week early. We've had baked sweet potato with paprika fingers, banana rolled in hemp seeds, greek yogurt with chia seeds, avocado with egg, porridge balls with cinnamon, baked courgette with garlic, courgette and egg omelette, poached apples , poached pears with ginger, lemon wedges, sweet potatoes and kidney beans with lemon balls, watermelon, strawberries and raspberries. Also had slow cooked lamb leg with thyme and low salt stock
We followed Ella's kitchen, veggie puree to start. Have increased texture and doing allergens separate. Also doing combos and adding in pasta, rice, meat etc. She feeds herself from the spoon (preloaded) but doesn't get the concept of picking up the food!
Whatever jars/pouches are on offer 😂🙈 once he's past lumpy purees we'll go to finger food of our dinners, but there's been no special path, single flavours, mixed ones, fruit, veg, meat, he's just getting whatever - and he's very happy 😊 (I'm a second time mum and am less stressed about weaning but also have less time to think about it/prep, so we just do what's working for us) x
We started with single vegs offered as both finger food and mash. First week I think it was broccoli, courgettes, spinach, green beans, peas and carrots
🥦 🥕 🍎 🥔 🥒 🍤 🥩 🍗
Baby rice, baby porridge, sweet potato with breast milk xx
We started yesterday with puréed sweet potato mixed with some breastmilk and some cooked sweet potato fingers for him to hold. We fed him some spoonfuls but he also fed himself with the spoon and had a play about. We’ll rotate through some veggies this week and then fruits next week.