Am I not feeding my son enough

I don't know if it's just because he's recently learned how to say "eat" so now he says it all the time when I go to the kitchen, or if he's genuinely hungry. But he says it so much (not every time though), which is making me wonder if he needs more food than what I'm offering. For Breakfast he had 2 banana pancakes, with raspberries and yogurt. For Lunch he had a cheese sandwich, grapes and a packet of puffs. He was saying "eat" afterwards so I gave him some of my chicken but he didn't like it, which I'm not surprised at as he has never liked meat unless its minced small. He usually has a snack in the afternoon, I'm not sure what it'll be today. For dinner I'm going to make chow mein, so he'll probably have the noodles and bell peppers, he won't eat the chicken in it but I'll still offer it. After dinner he usually has a piece of fruit so maybe a mandarin or some strawberries.
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My daughter eats about the same and has learnt to say and sign more...which she is constantly saying. Offer her more and she'll eat that too

My daughter is going through similar, she constantly says 'hungry' but when I offer proper food she turns her nose up, she just wants snacks! For an example, typically she'll have Cereal such as weetabix for breakfast, toast with eggs or baked beans at lunchtime and a big dinner of whatever we're having, also a snack midmorning too but she still says she's hungry all day long

I think my little boy is going through a growth spurt cos he’s constantly hungry at the min 🤷🏻‍♀️

My daughter has learned to say snack. She normally has a snack in the afternoon but we were out the other day and she kept saying snack. So i kept giving her more. I still don't know if she is hungry or just knows that word means food.

@Jess same my twins have perfected their version of the 'more' sign too and it's more everything! But also agree with the growth spurt comment, I'm sure that's a thing atm too.

@Mou she signs more then please everytime so I cant say no when she asks so nicely 🤣🤣 It helps shes learnt yes and no as well so she can say what she would like to eat.

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