
Intrigued to know whether anyone else’s baby still isn’t waving/pointing/clapping? My boy has just turned 14m and he is crawling/cruising along furniture but not independently walking yet and he’s babbling all the time non stop but no actually words as such just yet, but when it comes to waving/clapping/pointing he just isn’t doing this yet and I know it’s a little late. He’s also hit and miss with responding to his name which I know is an autistic trait but I feel like anything & everything can be an autistic trait these days, just looking for other people experiences and whether I should be worried or he will just get there at his own pace? Thank you!
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My LO is 13 months & is exactly like what you’ve written apart from he’s not really cruising furniture, he will stand if I put him there but that’s it

My little one isn’t always responding to his name, neither waving and only babbling, he is 13 months ..i am also worried about autism so very curious what others will reply to this.

My lo is 14 mo He isn’t saying any words or pointing and clapping. He cruises furniture and uses his walker but can’t stand independently

Just on the flip side, I know this sounds ridiculous but I have been honestly worried that my daughter is too advanced so I feel like you can’t win as we’ll always worry as Mothers. 😭 I know other toddlers that aren’t waving/pointing etc yet so I feel like it’s fairly normal?

We’re the same ☺️ but not worried every baby goes at their own pace

We are in the exact same boat 😊

I could have written this myself! x

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