Potty Training Woes

So my son has been really good at doing a wee on the toilet/potty for months now if we put him on it. He won’t hold in a wee but goes a long time dry before going on the loo or in his nappy… The issues are he won’t tell us if he needs a wee, he’s just fine with doing it either way. And the real issue is the poops. He’s got great understanding but when I explain about needing to tell us or doing a poo on the toilet he just looks at me blankly. I can tell when he’s due a poo because it’s usually once a day and he’ll do lots of trumps just before. Frustrating thing is I’ll put him on the loo, he’ll insist he’s all done then a few minutes after getting off the loo he’ll poo in his nappy 😤 I’ve asked why, asked if he’s scared, asked if he wants to watch us, bribed him with a new toy and chocolate and nothings working. Anyone encountered this or can suggest anything I might not have tried because it’s driving me crazy 😂 There’s no rush as such, just he’s a pain for nappy changes and they’re bloody expensive so the sooner he’s out of them the better 😂
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Have you tried reading books about potty/or a cartoon. We did a weekend of no nappy or trousers we had a few wee accidents but she did do a poo on the potty. Sometimes it’s the splash back of the toilet they don’t like.

@Emma haven’t tried books or cartoons so will definitely give that a go. And I don’t think the splash is the issue as he’s happy to do a wee but has never even attempted a poo on the loo or potty 🤔

@Rosie ooh okay, it could also be he’s learning how to hold it in, I think it is quite common for toddlers to not do poos on the potty initially - we made it a big thing when she did one - for a chocolate button, got to put 3 stickers on her sticker chart we were overly enthusiastic 🤣 singing and clapping and dancing around 🤣

I also spoke to the HV about it at our 2 year check, but she wasn’t ready then. She said when they do a poo, even in the nappy when you start flush it down the loo and say bye bye poo. We didn’t do it with nappy poop but she came with us to flush the potty poop away x

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