I also had a c section at Pembury due to baby being breeched. We had a playlist which we played on Spotify from my partner’s phone (an android). The operation ended up being a few weeks early so I hadn’t actually prepared a playlist like I had intended, but we used one we already listen to. You’re in there for at least half an hour so make sure you put enough songs on the playlist. I’d also recommend you download it on to your phone if possible (you can do that on Spotify premium) but don’t worry if you can’t. Practice some calming breathing like you would for a vaginal birth - this helped me stay calm(ish) as I was really scared. I had got my husband to practice the breathing with me - he would count how long I had to breathe in and out - I felt like I was about to panic at one point but he got me back on track with the breathing. Even though I was scared, it went really well! My advice would be to drink lots of water when you get out so they can take the catheter out sooner
They had the radio playing & my baby was born to 'you've got to show me love' 😂🥺❤️
I had an elective at pembury (footling breech) and they welcomed my playlist ! I put calming music and music that reminds me of my partner, my family and happy times. Loved it
Hey, I also had an elective c-section at Pembury because my baby was breech. I’d say if you’re feeling nervous, anxious speak to the midwives and doctors before you go in. Ask they don’t show you the needles (mine made a point of saying- ‘look at this cannula!’ And I nearly passed out!) Do you have a partner who can be with you? I didn’t have a playlist but him being there reassured me lots!