Were on our 4th week now but we was in the same boat, i just sent her in with 2 spare knickers and 2 spare pants just incase. I told her to tell someone when she needs a wee wee but i also told them she sometimes needs reminding. She has had 2 accidents in 4 weeks in nursery which is amazing so id just go for it see how he gets on
I sent in 10 spares and he went through them all… took two days for it to click that it was happening at nursery too. I was so worried he regressed just had to adjust to the change
Thanks girls! He goes two days a week but it’s not usually 2 days in a row hoping that he gets the hang of it as i know he will be so busy playing with his friends
My daughter goes full time and they’ve been a god send. We have a long journey there and back so she sits on a puppy pad in her car seat and knows I will stop if needed. Nursery has a 10 pack of pants I brought in case and I pack lots of spares but she has only had one accident so far. They should encourage it x
Happened to me. Fully trained her then they just kept putting her in nappies during nursery. Pure laziness if you ask me
With my daughter, we were told to just send her in knickers and they would do the same that we did at home. At our nursery, they have small toilet cubicles like in a primary school so my daughter was allowed to just go when needed but they also asked them regularly if anyone needs the toilet. Definitely pack a few changes of clothes in case. We didn’t have an accidents the first week but after my daughter would get too excited playing with friends that she didn’t want to leave them to go so had a couple of accidents. They will be used to potty training kids and supporting them. It might confuse him if he’s in a nappy at nursery but not at home