Ours will have an “extras” section and it’s usually the fees that aren’t covered with the funded hours example I don’t know how much exactly but the government only will pay £5 an hour but the childcare costs £6.50 so you pay the extra £1 per hour
@Veronika have you had similar charges for extra products?
Oh that would make sense as an extra charge, but I don’t know why they would list that under ‘products’ 🤷♀️
Yeah that’s strange to be honest, all I know is that my day care does the same it’s not fully broken down
@Helen Glad to know I’m not the only one but still it’s quite frustrating
@Sophie-Jayne I wish it was broken down even this much. They’ve only just emailed it after his settling-in session this afternoon so I’ll check them tomorrow
Sometimes they can be a bit confusing! Especially as it changes month to month! This one I received and was like hang on? Seems a lot... but a long month I suppose! Just ask what the different break downs are on the invoice so you know for each month! And then they are always putting the price up anyway 🫠😒 x
Sorry but I think that's crock. If they want you to pay for nappies, arts and crafts etc fair enough but that should be listed even if it's separated as that what that fee combines. Mine goes to preschool not nursery so not the same I know but I don't pay extra to cover the cost of what they get from the gov. If funded it's funded the missing money they lose from a paid hour can't just be bundled under something else and hope you don't question. Quite frankly that's fraud!
I really don’t like nurseries that charge extra for food and nappies etc it should all be inclusive in the price. As a comparison my daughters nursery was £670 a month for 3 days a week, 10 hour days, so with the 15 hours stretched, 11 hours a week only covered one day. So we were paying for 2 days a week.
Yes, one nursery called it consumables. Included nappies, wipes, paints,,playdoug ect.ect.
This is what we had from one of the nurseries. Th quote was for 2 days including funding.
Consumables were £12 per day.
@Veronika that's crazy! I used to have to supply my own wipes when she was in the first class. Nappies were supplied. But once they move up to the next class (2-3) they don't use nappies so how can they charge?
I don’t understand the consumables side of things, we provide our own nappies and wipes, just pay for food. We go to a childminder though, so we pay the additional fee, which I did look into and it’s not illegal and I don’t mind it either. Our fees for January for 4 days a week, on average being 9-5 or 8:30-5 per day.. was £590 including the funded hours. Feb is a lot more because there’s a whole week where the government do not pay the funding so we have to pay full price.
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@Sophie-Jayne I asked the same questions and the answer was: it’s their nursery policy regardless of anything. They can do whatever they want to. I didn’t sent my child there.
@Veronika that's outrageous! Always amazes me how it gets more expensive as they get older! Surely they are doing less? lol x
They shouldn’t be including products in there bill that’s super weird! When I worked in nursery you either have parents bring nappies and wipes if your that sorta nursery cutting costs! Or you cannot be arsed with that hassle so you provide the wipes and nappies and everything else so everyone gets the same. That should be included in the total bill so that you know from the get go it only costs however much a session and everything else is included in it. Plus £150 a month? Not a chance! My twins done cost me £150 on nappies and wipes so this seems super super weird to me! In my nursery bills and when I’ve worked in nurseries everything is per session and all included, so you know you have a set amount each month to pay and that will not change if it’s the same amount of hours each month the price never changes…
@Sophie-Jayne well there was a waiting list for that nursery for 5 months. There is a demand so the nursery do whatever they want.
For us we get the 15 hours funded so he goes two days a week (9-4) and it’s covered completely we just pay for dinners as an extra which is like £22 a month, we have no consumable charge
Ask the nursery. Each one is different. Just ask to clarify the invoice.