As a mom to an almost one year-old and an almost 3-year-old and who is also pregnant, I second the headphones completely. But make sure you get good headphones like soundproof because some headphones are not that great and you will still hear the baby so as long as your baby isn’t a safe place get you some good headphones relax you’re not a bad mom that postpartum will eat you alive, but you just have to remember how amazing you are as a mom that’s dealt with a lot of postpartum anger and depression. I could lie to you and say it gets easier it doesn’t, but I have tried multiple things to help me and that’s what I found. Best look into things that help you try headphones though that has been my number one thing I also put on Miss Rachel or the dancing fruits. Whatever you can do please do it because it’s not good for you to stress so much but never put yourself down and feel like a bad person because of your emotions. You are a mom you have went through hell and back your body is
Your body is still coping with hormones. You’re amazing you gave birth to a human being. If you ever need anything feel free to text me. I’m here for you.
I will get some headphones! Thank you😔 @Rachel @Shyanne
The screaming is so hard! My son shrieks in between each bite of food, so I've been trying to teach him to sign 'more' instead and he's finally catching on, but there's still tons of shrieking. He's also shrieking every time he has to play alone while I take care of the house. I've been asking my family to leave him alone when he does this because they've truly taught him that they will come running the second he makes one noise. 😒
I am feeling like this too but I actually do have help, yet I still feel so angry when my daughter is screaming and literally going against everything I’m doing to take care of her. The advice about the headphones, I think it’s really good. I’m gonna try it myself. One thing I did started doing since she was about 3 months old, is I started listening to documentaries in my AirPods while she would sleep and I would take care of all the chores. I started looking forward to listening to the podcasts while she slept and now I do it while bath time and while I put her to sleep. Idk if this has kept me a bit calm? But it has helped
Not to offend anyone, but I’m in therapy and taking Lexapro this is my 2nd child and I refused to deal with PP this 2nd time around without help. The mental pain and physical pain this time around isn’t as bad as the first time now that I have help. With no family to help I suggest going to therapy. Talking about it and getting advice on parenting I suggest taking parenting classes too. Being in that studio can be hard. So seeking outside help for you both is a suggestion
Oh and yesss play Ms Rachel I play her alll day and been playing her since 2months old that lady is a life saver
And don’t feel bad about the Headphones ANC Headphones work best
Why is he screaming? Maybe he is colicky or in some kind of pain? Maybe he is really really hungry? Try talking about it with your pediatrician, see about getting in therapy, and absolutely use headphones. I have Bose noise cancelling and they are GREAT. It can probably block out the sound completely when it’s turned on, and when it’s off, it muffles everything so good. I use it when I’m studying for classes.
Headphones mama. That’s my best advice, when the screaming gets overwhelming just stick headphones in and it makes taking care of them that much easier because it dulls the sound. It doesn’t hurt them at all, it just lessens your overstimulation.