@Anna lol that’s the government probably a males recommendation. She’s the mother she knows what’s best, she doesn’t have to follow some recommendations given out by the government. I mean look they give out vaccines and kids freeze for life, they die in their sleep (SIDS), they can get autism and ADHD, and a lot of other things. That’s also recommended by the governments, not everything they say is to help us. I mean look at Australia’s water (NSW SYDNEY LIVERPOOL) they have cancerous properties in it to kill us off and cause chaos within our body’s. The government sprays chem trails in the air which causes sicknesses, shortness of breath, asthma attacks. Don’t believe everything the government says, don’t be a sheep. She knows what she’s doing and there’s nothing wrong with them on their belly’s, if anything it’ll strengthen them for when it’s time to start crawling and their necks won’t be so weak.
I let my girl sleep on her tummy supervised during the day, needs must mamma
@Raquel agree with you that government can make mistakes and not always recommend best things but same time she was asking for an opinion of others.. so I gave mine. Yes, if mouth and nose aren’t covered then possibly it is safe but does that mean mum needs to check every minute as baby at that age might not understand that they need to keep their head on the side.
My baby has slept on his tummy since about 8 weeks old (he’s 6 months now), as he would only sleep for about 15 mins if put down on his back & HATED being swaddled lol As long as there’s nothing restricting their breathing, it’s fine. The majority of babies prefer to sleep on front, as they’re less likely to startle awake. You know your baby best & you’re not leaving her unsupervised, so just carry on doing what you’re doing. x
Thank you sm ladies my mom friends made me feel guilty but I do know what’s best and I am supervising her thanks so much needed to hear that
As long as her mouth and nose isn’t covered I don’t see the issue with it, if your saying she’s more comfy and sleeps better that way you know what’s best for you baby. Your supervising her and making sure she’s okay so don’t stress much mama x At least if she vomits in her sleep she won’t choke and die on it like some unlucky bubs do… my little 1month + sleeps on her side facing the right side, it’s sunnah in my religion anyways to sleep on your side but as well I have in my head knowing if I’m not there and doing something and I don’t hear she’s not gonna choke and die.