Potry Training Help

We've been going since October 2024 and it's going *nowhere*. He will go a day of no accidents, and then the next two or three will just be constantly peeing on himself or pooping and I'm just at my wits ends. He will say, "I go potty" *after* he pees on himself. Or he'll actually tell me before, but it's never consistent enough. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, and I'm at my limit. It's hard enough trying to figure out how to manage when I'm nap trapped by his 7m old brother, but I just don't know what to do and I'm ready to give up, honestly. We've done the every 15 minutes, every 30, every hour. We've tried to make it a game. We let him flush, and we say, "bye bye". We've tried doing the "you go in the toilet, you get chocolate" (which is his favorite treat). I. Don't. Know. What. I'm. Doing. Wrong.
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To add, he is not autistic, and has no special needs or learning disabilities. He on schedule for all of his milestones except this one.

How old is he?

From the advice I've gotten from my mom and grandmothers and aunts and friends with older kids. They say to expect accidents to happen and have extra clothes and underwear on you anywhere you go because they will probably have an accident it's normal it's something that just clicks for them one day so celebrate the wins and keep taking them to the potty and when an accident happens you tell them potty goes in the pot or toilet or whatever works for you no matter how frustrated you are try and be calm

You got this!!!

We started at just after 2, he's just turned 3 and has just got the hang of wees (still pops in his pants) we tried everything too - chocolates, potty timer, stickers. One day it just clicked. It wasn't anything I did - he was just ready. Try not to worry..he will do it when he's ready

Quit for a while and revisit in a couple months.

How old is he? He doesn’t sound ready, it’s probably best to stop altogether for a few months.

You're not doing anything wrong. Give up and try again in a few months. There are plenty of other things he can learn in the meantime.

@Emily 3

You aren’t doing anything wrong. It sounds like he isn’t ready. I’d stop, and leave it for a few months. Don’t mention the potty etc in that time, and revisit in a few months, maybe when it’s a bit warmer. I waited until my son was ready, he said ‘mummy I want to use the potty’ and I literally didn’t need to train him, he knew when he needed to go. I’m a firm believer in waiting until they are ready, and not pushing something x

That’s only 3 months of training, keep going, it takes time. We potty trained our first from 6 months to 20 months when she was then dry, it took a long time. Keep it steady, you’re making progress, keep going and allow yourself to feel frustrated. It’s very normal. He just needs more time

See if you can find any patterns. Does he have accidents when he is out or very concentrated on something? Maybe try to find out timing. 15 minutes after drinking? But maybe just back off a little. It takes time and it sucks.

I'm reading tiny potty by Andrea olson and really excited. She's against reward systems they don't work. Maybe he's missing a piece of the puzzle in understanding like how to pull up or push down pants or underwear, or you take him too often? Do a naked day write down what time he ate, drank and woke up and what time he peed or pooped and calculate his rhythm based on that. Then don't take him more often than he actually needs to go or it's annoying. Let him bring toys with him. Also experiment with giving more privacy The book says back off a little but don't go back to diapers just act like you don't care so much for a few days. Training pants soak up a lot of pee so much better than going back to diapers. You could also put training pants over trousers so he feels getting wet

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