will it get better?

Hello, i’m a mother of two baby boys. My oldest will be three next week. I’m in denial but ready to accept that my son has autism. I see a lot of signs such as spinning here and there, covering his ears if he’s somewhere to loud but loves to have his volume up high on his ipad, speech delay(lots of babbling) high pitch screaming out of no where, Has the urge to squeeze and pinch elbow’s and skin, separation anxiety not being able to sleep in his own bed, and will even try to run away if the door is open. He understands us very well though. we’ll ask him to get his shoes and he will and will even try to put them on, we’ll ask him if he wants to go outside and he’ll go straight to the door, I ask him to find his sippy cup and he’ll bring it to me. He’s a smart boy i just wish he can talk. I try and try but it’s just lots of babbling. He used to say 2 and 3 very clear but now he kind of just says “duh thee” He says mama and kachow! but thats about it. His doctor said last year in august that he could have autism level 1. He has not yet been evaluated but he is seeing a speech therapist once a week and next month he has evaluation for occupational therapy. I’ve heard of ABA therapy but it breaks my heart to be away from my boy when he has never been away from me. I tend to compare my son a lot to other kids when i shouldn’t. it’s wrong of me but i wish my boy can talk.. I wish he can walk next to me without taking off. I’m so afraid that my 2 month old could have autism as well. I know theres nothing wrong with that but it hurts me to see my almost 3 year can’t communicate to tell me what he wants. my dad’s girlfriend would bring her son over and he’s a couple months younger and talking. She definitely likes to show that off when they are in my home and it brings me down so much.. what can i do? how can i stop feeling this way? how can i turn it positive for myself.. is there something i can do to help my son with speech? 😞 i could really use some advice.. thank you🥺
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I would recommend one of these (I’ll put link separately), but you also should not let your dads gf round, try and avoid her. She’s only making you feel worse. I hope things get better🫶🏽


@Emily i actually have those! i had them put away. My son got very mad when he heard the elephant sound and he would throw all the cards on the floor, he wouldn’t repeat any of the words but i would have to try again. Oh yes i know! she no longer comes to my house and i no longer have my son around hers because her son likes to kick and hit my boy 🥺

Have you started or been evaluated for speech therapy?

@Heather yes he sees a speech therapist once a week. He started this month but had to miss two sessions because he was sick. he’s had 4 session so far and has one tomorrow. i know it just started but i feel like he just doesnt want to repeat words. He’s all over the place with his therapist. He’ll play with her then gets bored and goes to something else, then goes back to her to play, then does something else.

OK, deep breath. You noticed a need and supported him, that's amazing! My son was 18 months old when he started speech therapy and was diagnosed with a global developmental delay. He is a chatterbox now, at 3. Some things that have helped my son tremendously; 1. Ms Rachel. She is great. 2. When communicating with my son, I used the most important word or 2 in a sentence, eg, "shoes on" or "go car". 3. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Repetition is key. 4. Focus on 1 thing at a time. If I remember correctly, we did verbs, but consult your speech therapist about this. 5. Play games that he enjoys and use the 2 word sentences. For my son, it started with "bubbles," "more bubbles", "pop bubbles". 6. Do things as you say them eg the "pop bubbles" 7. Focus on what he can do 8. Praise, praise, praise when he gets it. 9. Praise, correct, and repeat if he says something even remotely like a word. For Eg, he says "ehoh" you could say, "Yes, yellow. Yellow ball/banana/cup". 10. Flashcards 11. Baby sign/sign language ❤️

You’re not alone ❤️

you have no idea how grateful I am . this is amazing i needed that! thank you so so much 😭😭❤️❤️❤️ He learned so much from Ms Rachel! Wheels on the bus, Happy and you know it, And “We’re jumping now we Stop!” He has not watched her in a while! But i need to start having him watch her! I’ve been saying one words to him like “sippy?” “outside?” “more?” Thats so good to know. thank you so much for the advice. I had no one to ask. No one who’s going through the same situation as i am. i appreciate you for your time to help me 🥺❤️

@Tiffany 🥺❤️

@Camila so glad i joined this group 🥹❤️

You’re on the right track to looking at getting help for him. Just focus on you and your family. Comparing your kid will only take away from moments of how great your kid is no matter if they are neurodivergent or not.

I know how you feel my son is 3 soon and is completely non verbal he got diagnosed with autism a few months ago. But I just accept him for who he is and tell myself he will likely talk one day, just keep doing what you’re doing with your son.

@Sam i now accept it even though he has not been diagnosed. We just know already but speech therapy helped a lot today and i’m so excited for occupational. you’re right, our babies will talk soon 🥹❤️

@Iyanna, you are most welcome. It's difficult when our babies are struggling, but you've got this mumma. My son makes me laugh so hard I cry sometimes. He's the absolute best. Today, he was piling undies on himself and saying, "Bye, bye penis, see you tomorrow." When he makes me laugh, hearing him giggle, seeing his cheeky smile, snuggling him, it all makes everything worthwhile, eases my anxiety and stress, and melts my heart completely. If you ever need to talk, I'm just a DM away! ❤️

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