Hi everyone, I just need to share my experience here, yesterday I have received the Csection date from ChelWest which has been selected as 13th of February ( due date 17th February), being Christian I am quite superstitious and also family and friends I know for a fact they have a negative outlook on the 13th number. I have tried all day yesterday to make peace with the idea that my child might be born on this date, however the thought of the number itself alongside how people would react has completely put me off, making me extremely anxious and thinking how my child will be bullied and judged later on in school and etc.Not sleeping all night thinking about this, I have decided would be best to try to contact the hospital and request if possible to have the date changed due to my religious beliefs around the number and the social impact, over the phone Vanessa from the Csection bookings team tries to brush me off disregarding completely my reasoning, when i politely asked what is the selection process for the date and how is it not possible to be booked for a later date when I just received the date a few hours prior Vanessa has behaved extremely defensive raising her voice and gaslighting me into saying that I am being aggressive and I am the one raising my voice and she needs to end the call immediately. Me and my partner we were both in shock at this situation, as we could not understand what is the issue with asking questions to receive information related to a surgery done on my body. Finally, keeping our calm and requesting her name and details to raise a complaint for this horrible experience she finally calms down and keeps repeating I might receive a call if another date will be freed. To be honest this gives me so many doubts about how we will be treated even during the surgery, I am so afraid they will treat us badly and harm my child and me and discriminate against us for requesting this change and not respect our wishes from our birth plan. Like what is going on, what is happening there that she got so frustrated when I have asked these questions about csection? Why there is no policy entailed about csections? There is a lot of information about vaginal birth, why very little on csection? What do you guys think about this? Please help with some good thoughts as I’ve spent all day crying for the way she treated me and no I am so afraid to give birth and let myself and my baby in their hands.
I don’t think your baby will bully to be born on 13th never heard of something like that, if your baby will be born on the 13th that will make that day special…I am sure Vanessa won’t be the one performing the c section so don’t worry they won’t even remember you asked to change the date…also I recently had an emergency C section at the same hospital and the surgeon and the anaesthetist explained everything to me before and during the surgery so I think you and your baby will be fine… I hope they will change the date for you but if they don’t do not overthink about the number now it’s important you focus on you and the baby… I hope everything will go amazing for you and your baby