Mum guilt so bad

So we were all playing with my little one and I’ve tapped him with my food on his stomach and he lost his balance but he had his dummy in as he fell he hit his dummy in his mouth and cut his lip yes it was bleeding but it’s all okay now I know his lip will heal and it’s the inside so it seemed a lot worse my partner is trying to say I’m not accepting the fact that I made him fall which I am but all I said was if he didn’t have his dummy then he would of been fine he’s then complaining because we couldn’t find the spare but I found it I’ve gone to sit in bed but all I can do is cry I feel so horrible I am now just sat in the dark downstairs hating myself I can’t deal with it I feel so horrible for it I can’t even look at anyone without feeling judged
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You are very hard on yourself. If a friend told you what happened, would you judge her for it and tell her mean things? Probably not so why are you so cruel to yourself? It was an accident, that just happens. On that note.. the fuck is up with your partner? Clearly it was an accident. How you describe it makes it out like he gives you blame which is absolutely unwarranted and cruel. He really needs to check himself. My little one falls over all the time, sometimes through her own accord sometimes because of me. I have made her trip by accident numerous times. They don't have great balance, sometimes you do something and make them fall unintended. It's life. All is good. You are a good mum ❤️

Oh bless you! I bet your son is absolutely fine today!! A couple months ago I was play chasing my son around the room and he randomly lost his balance and fell and bit his lip and it bled! I felt SO guilty but these things happen with toddlers, they’re bound to trip and fall and your partner was WAY too harsh on you. I hope you and your little one are feeling better xx

Update my son is fine today still not in the best of moods with my partner still arguing now over little things apparently I mother coddle him to much

Your partner is not very supportive at all, do you know how many times I e been playing with my toddler and she's fell or banged in to me and hurt herself etc it's not done to be hurtful it's an accident and it's good for them to learn that accidents happen, I always give her a cuddle and say oh no mummy is sorry, but for your partner to make you feel so bad about it is out of order

My LO is a million miles and hour, she throws herself around, off the sofa, climbs on tables. I have tried everything to stop her or make it safer and honestly accidents will always happen. It was not intentional and these things do happen, I understand completely that you are beating yourself up but as everyone else has said, it is not your fault! Not fair for your partner to be making you feel worse, as Mums we are always feeling guilty about something and that does not help. I just don’t think men get it at all, it is a very different bond we have with our babies. I went to put a towel in the bathroom, literally a metre away from my daughter and she ran into the side of our bed and gave herself a black eye. I felt horrendous but it is impossible to keep eyes on them/stop every single potential accident. You are not alone but it is not your fault xxx

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