Toddler doesn’t know colors?

Okay so my daughter is very smart in alot of ways, she is 1yr 8 months. She can count to 10 with help, say all abcs with help, knows animals and some sounds, says tons of words, knows all body parts but to her EVERY color is either purple or is this normal? 💀 I will literally show her a color yellow for example and ask what color it is and she says pink, I correct her and say no its yellow and then she will repeat yellow then I ask again what color it is and again she says pink 🤦🏽‍♀️😑
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She might be color blind. It’s a lot more common than you think… off the top of my head she should be old enough to do a test most likely your pediatrician can do it if not, then of course an eye doctor

@Maggie agree!

I think Under 2 is a little early to know colors when asked. My son did this when he was 2. Then he could identify secondary colors first which I thought was weird and I hadn’t really been focusing on teaching those. He couldn’t identify primary colors for awhile. I think it’s too early to be concerned.

She’s way too young to be worried about any of this. My daughter turned two in November and still say every thing is purple and pink- probably because it’s her favorite colors.

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